Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) study
The pulse wave originates at the aortic valve every time when the heart pushes out the blood and then propagates through the aortic artery. It has been found that the speed or velocity propagating from the aortic valve to the pulsation point of the femoral artery is significantly associated with the extent of atherosclerosis in the aortic artery.
Thus, we examined the association between biological and lifestyle factors and abnormally high aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV). Abnormally high PWV was defined as 8.0 m/sec and over for those younger than 60 years of age and 9.0 m/sec and over for those 60 years of age and older, based on the study results from the Epidemiological Arteriosclerosis Research Institute.
The age-adjusted prevalence of abnormally high PWV among Japanese Americans was significantly higher (22%) than among native Japanese urban workers (15%) . Therefore, the extent of atherosclerosis in the aorta (or large artery) in Japanese Americans is considered to be more advanced than in native Japanese urban workers. Such a difference in prevalence of abnormally high PWV between Japanese Americans and native Japanese is consistent with our findings in the cholesterol study showing higher total cholesterol levels and lower HDL-C levels among Japanese Americans than among native Japanese.

Publications and Presentations
Hasegawa M, Namekata T, Arai C, Hayashi C, Suzuki K, Imai K, Kosugi T, Suzuki A, Greenway C, Moore D, Malmgren J, Hasegawa R. The use of human aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) in epidemiologic studies (II). Relationship between aortic pulse wave velocity and arteriosclerotic diseases (abstract). American Journal of Epidemiology 1998; 128(4):915.
Namekata T, Moor D, Suzuki K, Hatano S, Hayashi C, Mori M, Abe N, Hasegawa M. A study of the association between the aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) and atherosclerotic risk factors among Japanese Americans in Seattle, WA, U.S.A. Japanese Journal of Public Health 1997; 44(12):1-10.
Maeda K, Takanohashi M, Kurata S, Suzuki K, Namekata T. A comparative study of food intake patterns and health indicators between Japanese Americans and Native Japanese-A comparison of prevalence of atherosclerosis-related indicators between two populations groups. Japanese Journal of Health and Human Ecology 2004; 70(5):207-218, and Erratum, 2004; 70(5):207-218.
Namekata T, Moore D, Hayashi C, Suzuki K, Hasegawa M, Hatano S. The association between aortic pulse wave velocity and cardiovascular disease risk factors (abstract). Circulation 1993; 87(2):16.